Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Etsy Store: www.aflebijoux.etsy.com
Facebook page: Afle Bijoux
Twitter: aflebijoux@twitter.com
Tell us a little bit about what you make
Handmade unique and refined jewelry made of fine gemstones and Akan goldweights from Ivory Coast.
What are some goals for your Etsy store?
To promote refined African jewelry, to introduce the beauty and culture of the Akan people of Ivory Coast, to show how Akan traditions of beauty are timeless
Most of my items are unique
How would you describe your style?
Modern, Redefining the Akan traditions of beauty
Yes for now. I just had a baby
Where do you do your work?
International Criminal Court, The Hague, The Netherlands
How would you like to see Etsy develop in Germany?
It must become the main portal of creativity and handmade products made in Germany
What do you see as some of the benefits/potential benefits of being part of the German Etsy Street Team? Building up contacts, sharing ideas to have a successful business.
Thank you EGST for the exposure! I do my work in my little atelier at home =)! I wish the best to all Etsy Germany Street Team Sellers, the talent is there!
Congratulations! I wish you success and prosperity in your business.
Thank you very much! I wish you the best! Enjoy your Afle earrings! Cheers, Oukassa